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Hitachi in Singapore

[image] Commitment to Others2

In acting as surrogate big brothers and sisters to these children, the delegates were involved in more than a simple community service, in their commitment and concern for others, the young leaders also enhanced the personal bonding process among themselves. Certainly this first Young Leaders Initiative had two thrusts: the debate of ideas and - not unrelated - the fostering of international understanding and the formation of warm personal relations between delegates. Phuwanai Wanamakok, an engineering student from Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand, believes in the importance of getting to know each other when they're young: "In future, we'll be able to work together more successfully in the regional context. At the same time, we're getting new perspectives on problems in our own countries."

[image] Commitment to Others1

In addition to this analysis of ideas, Hitachi also wanted to involve the delegates in some sort of community service project. The student delegates took time out following the forum to share a full day of music, activities and games from their own countries with 24 children from the Singapore Children's Society.