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Hitachi in Singapore

15th Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative

The HYLI 2019 was held in Singapore from July 9-12, 2019. High level country selection panels chose 32 top student delegates to represent their countries at the program. The students were divided into four groups, each represented by at least one country representative. The students attended a series of plenary sessions, workshops, discussions and activities culminating with group presentations on their proposed initiatives for a sustainable future.

Download the Whitepaper in HYLI Library Download the Whitepaper in HYLI Library

HYLI 2019 Student Delegates’ Learning Journey

The 15th edition of HYLI 2019 was designed to further develop the student participants’ perception and understanding of how digital transformation can help realize a sustainable society and improve the quality of life in the region.

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Pre-HYLI / From May to June 2019

  • Identify material challenges in the areas of (1) Youth Opportunities; (2) Living Environment; (3) Well-Being; and (4) Mobility in their represented country through mainly primary research.
  • Create an Infographic on the Positive and Negative Aspects of Digitalization in their Country through mainly secondary research
  • More infographics available here!

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Day 1 / 9 July

  • Understand the possibilities of digital transformation in the areas of Youth Opportunities, Living Environment and Well-being.

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Day 2 & Day 3 / 10-11 July

  • Feel and experience digital transformation in the area of Mobility
  • Discuss, deepen and pitch their idea with fellow delegates in teams focusing each on one of the four areas

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Day 4 / 12 July

  • Present their perspectives in teams to an esteemed Advisory panel and receive feedback on how digital technology can address societal issues in ASEAN and how youth can
  • Present their commitment to contributing society