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Hitachi in Singapore


Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative 2024

The Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative (HYLI) is Hitachi's way of fulfilling its commitment to society, particularly helping build future generations through innovative education. This social contribution program seeks to identify and nurture potential Asian leaders among the best and brightest students in Asia, bringing them together to discuss regional and global issues with influential government officials, prominent business leaders, academics, and NGO representatives.

Through the years since its inauguration in Singapore in 1996, HYLI consistently provides the youth leader participants with a unique platform where they can broaden their perception, understanding, and perspectives while respecting Asian cultural diversity and sharing cross-cultural experiences with other delegates. Participating countries are from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. Each country is represented by up to four university student delegates who were carefully selected as recipients of this unique program.


Key objectives of HYLI are:

  • • Further develop the delegate's perception and understanding of regional and global issues that impact society
  • • Encourage Asian solidarity among potential young leaders by addressing regional challenges together
  • • Promote cross-cultural understanding through education, common activities and shared experiences
  • • Create a platform for the exchange of views from different perspectives
  • • Provide a network for potential future Asian leaders.


Since its inauguration in Singapore in 1996, HYLI has offered over 400 students the unique opportunity to broaden their outlook while promoting Asian values and cross-cultural understanding.



HYLI Library

This HYLI Library contains a collection of theme-specific reports produced from every HYLI event since 1996. Gain from the diversity of perspectives from eminent speakers, subject matter experts and student delegates on society's most pressing challenges.

HYLI Alumni

The inaugural Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative (HYLI) Alumni Gathering concluded with a resounding success! Bringing together alumni from various batches to celebrate the spirit and unity of the HYLI programme, the event was held on October 5th and was a joyous occasion that fostered nostalgia, rekindled old friendships, and showcased the growth and progress of HYLI.


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