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Hitachi in Singapore

from the "Statement of Vision and Recommendation from the Youth of Asia" Singapore 27 November 1996

[image] Keypoint

These main points were distilled from the 22-page report compiled after two days of discussion, and focused on the following recommendations:

Balancing the Demands of the Present with the Needs of the Future

  • Asian countries should work together to set standards and coordinate the development of tourism to ensure better ecological management, greater ease of travel and the preservation of the Asian heritage.
  • Government and industry should - through the construction of more facilities and through educational systems - provide more support for sports and arts.
  • Regional advances in science and technology should be encou-raged through more cooperative industrial research and development.
  • A pan-Asian media policy ought to be developed, presenting a self-enforced code of conduct that would encourage social responsibility among the media while reducing the need for for government interference.