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Managing Director
But more importantly, co-creation will solve issues and provide new value to customers and partners as both parties enjoy improved processes and increased satisfaction. Co-creation is a more human centric approach.

Message from Managing Director

Dear Colleagues,

The first half of FY2018 is almost ending and the second half is soon approaching. At this halfway mark, let us take some time to reflect on ourselves professionally and privately and set goals for the second half of FY2018.

As you know, the latest financial results released on 27 July have shown that the Hitachi Group's business is growing steadily. To take the next leap, let us tackle more on collaborative creation with customers and partners or what we commonly term as "co-creation".

Co-creation not only offers Hitachi's technology and expertise. But more importantly, co-creation will solve issues and provide new value to customers and partners as both parties enjoy improved processes and increased satisfaction. Co-creation is a more human centric approach.

So how can we achieve co-creation?

I feel that the best way to achieve co-creation is to find out the problems or challenges that our customers are facing but have yet to realise. Value add with a variety of new ideas and give your customers the unexpected!

So please do not hesitate to share your ideas. Remember that our theme for Hitachi’s Social Innovation Business is: The Future is Open to Suggestions!

While co-creation may sound easy, it can be very challenging to attain. Which is why we need tenacity in all Hitachi employees. Only after we have worked with customers over a period of time, will we be able to value add to problems that have not even surfaced. So, I hope all Hitachi employees will continue to persevere together with me in your line of work.

Lately, there have been several natural disasters all over the world. Please take care of yourselves and be vigilant - protect yourself for the sake of your family and us.

Let us work happily, healthily and safely together!

Kosuke Horiuchi
Managing Director
Hitachi Asia Ltd.