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Interview With IYGA2020 Grand Prix Winner

Name: Tan Jian Cheng 
Designation: Senior Account Manager
Company: Hitachi Asia Ltd. (ICT Solutions Business)

What motivated you to join IYGA in 2020?

We were humbled to have the opportunity to help the country combat Covid-19 with our Home Quarantine Monitoring Solution. Throughout the project, we saw how the team grew stronger. And I feel that this can be largely attributed to the Hitachi values of Harmony, Sincerity and Pioneering Spirit. When we put those values in practice, we were able to successfully overcome the many challenges throughout the project. This motivated us to submit our entry and share our experience.

When you entered IYGA2020, did you think you would win the Grand Prix and even be crowned the Brand Ambassador (BA)?

I didn’t think I would win the Grand Prix as IYGA has always attracted consistently high quality entries, so I knew the competition would be intense. We were pleasantly surprised by how the Hitachi values empowered the team in this project. I was happy to see how we were able to work so closely together, staying true to our ultimate goal to combat the crisis while keeping an open mind to develop innovative solutions.

Our intention was simply to share this with our colleagues and hopefully inspire them to do the same. Nevertheless, we are grateful for the Grand Prix recognition.

How would you encourage your fellow colleagues in ASEAN to join IYGA?

There is no project too small or insignificant. Every project matters, and has its purpose and meaning. I would encourage every colleague to join the inspiration of the year global award for us to continue to embody the Hitachi Values and power good around the world.