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Message from Chairman Nakakita

Dear Colleagues,

In these extremely difficult times with the evolving COVID-19 situation, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. My thoughts are with those whose family members are affected. At Hitachi, the health and well-being of all employees are our utmost priority. I urge all of you to follow the directives of Hitachi’s Risk Management, or the government where you are residing.

Taking this opportunity, I want to thank you for the arrangement you have made to prepare our company in coping with this situation.

I know that many of you are feeling uneasy in this developing crisis. I would like to reassure you that as a company, we are resilient. Backed with more than 100 years of robust experience, I believe that we will weather this crisis together as One Hitachi and emerge as one strong organization.

For us to overcome this unprecedented crisis, there are three points that I would like you to focus on:

1. Stay Safe and Healthy

Again, your well-being is our number one priority. This applies to your family members. So please keep yourself and your family members safe. Only then will you be able to work confidently, giving your 100% to the company.

2. Continuity of Business Functions

I understand the inconveniences that you are going through now by working remotely. Likewise, I experience the same frustrations as you. I had been looking forward to meeting all of you on 3 April to share with you the new fiscal year’s business directions, but the COVID-19 has grounded me in Japan.

However, I am looking at this from a positive perspective. I am seeing this as an opportunity for me to learn new ways of doing things. Like what President Higashihara said in his latest message, let’s take this unique opportunity to improve our business processes. This is the time for us to re-examine the business approaches and our daily operations to optimise our work efficiency. This is the time to adopt digital transformation.

3. Stay United as One Hitachi

Unity is strength. We need to help one another to navigate through this. Only when we work together as One Hitachi, we can brave through this storm together. Please do not let this pandemic stop you from doing good.

Now is also the time where our other group of companies (GoCs) and other business partners need help to digitalise their operations and improve work efficiency. Lend them your ears and helping hands. I am sure we can help them get through this with more than 60 years of experience in IT. There is always a silver lining beyond the dark clouds.

This is an undeniably challenging time for all of us. However, this is also the time we grow even closer together with a positive mindset. With health and safety in mind, we can grow stronger together.

Once again, please stay safe and practise social distancing to minimise the spread of the virus. Take care and I hope to see you soon.

Kojin Nakakita
Hitachi Asia Ltd.