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Managing Director
Let’s show initiative and transform ourselves to accelerate the Social Innovation Business on a global scale.

At the Start of FY2019

Dear Colleagues,

FY2019 has begun! I hope all of you had productive days last fiscal year and will continue your dedication to do better this fiscal year too.

Last month, I had the privilege of filming a short video to explain what Social Innovation means and its importance in ASEAN. In it, I highlighted the potential of Southeast Asia and how Hitachi’s technology is playing a key role to help raise the standard of living for the people globally.

As you know, Hitachi, Ltd. started a series of new business structure to transform into a global leader aimed at resolving issues faced by society and customers.

The new business structure focuses on five growth domains namely (1) Mobility; (2) Human Life; (3) Industry; (4) Energy; and (5) IT. With these five new platforms, Hitachi will be able to create better value and provide more holistic solutions.

At Hitachi Asia, we have also realigned our organisation. The Social Innovation Business Unit has been transferred to Hitachi Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (HAS-TH) and renamed to "Urban Solutions Buiness Unit". Additionally, the "Research & Development Center" was also set up in HAS-TH. And now with the re-organisation of the Corporate Strategy Office and the creation of the APAC Strategic Management Office, we will see more focused and greater synergies in this region.

I know that other Hitachi Group Companies and Business Units have started their respective internal transformations as well. This tells us how the landscape and environment around us are constantly changing. In our bid towards a global leader, we also need to adapt to changes accordingly. Only by changing ourselves, will we grow and lead the society.

In addition to the evolving business structure, Hitachi is accelerating the appointment of non-Japanese persons as Executive Officers in many regions throughout the world, including professionals outside of Hitachi. Such inclusion and diversity have been widespread in Hitachi and will give us the competitive advantage needed in order for Hitachi to be a global major player!

I expect all individuals to leverage on their respective knowledge and experience to create new value for society and for customers.

So please strengthen collaboration with co-workers, partners and customers. Let’s show initiative and transform ourselves to accelerate the Social Innovation Business on a global scale. Let’s work closely together and aim for the revenue of JPY700 billion in FY2021.

Finally, please always remember that we must ensure compliance in everything that do, whether big or small. Let’s do the right things and do things the right way.

Kosuke Horiuchi
Managing Director
Hitachi Asia Ltd.