A Newsletter for Hitachi Employees in ASEAN | APR 2018

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We need to extend this “best in the world” mentality over our work processes, work styles, and attitude at work. Only when we do that will Hitachi truly become a company that gives rise to a chain of innovations throughout the world. As such, I would like all of you to be constantly aware of being the best at every stage in your day-to-day work.

Extending 'Best in the World' Mentality at Work

Dear Colleagues,

April marks the start of a new financial year. FY2018 also marks the final year of the 2018 Mid-Term Management Plan. As with all things, when there is a beginning, there must be an end. And despite a great start, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of complacency and press on towards our goals.

In the recent consolidated financial results for the third quarter ended 31 December 2017, we posted record profits and made steady improvements. To maintain this momentum, in every day for the rest of FY2018, I urge all of you to continue working hard to achieve our targets and goals for the future growth of Hitachi globally. I personally echo the thoughts of President Higashihara in his new year’s message where he wants FY2018 to be the year where Hitachi takes its first step as a true global company that leads changes in the world by expanding Hitachi’s Social Innovation Business. Of the four things he wanted us to bear in mind, I feel that to “always maintain an awareness of being No. 1 in the world” is most relevant to us now.

We already know that Hitachi pioneers many unique products and services that top the world. But knowing this as head knowledge is not good enough. We need to extend this “best in the world” mentality over our work processes, work styles, and attitude at work. Only when we do that will Hitachi truly become a company that gives rise to a chain of innovations throughout the world. As such, I would like all of you to be constantly aware of being the best at every stage in your day-to-day work.

While achieving our goals for the 2018 Mid-Term Management Plan is important, come 2021 Mid-Term Management Plan and we must look at setting more agressive goals. By doing so, we will propel ourselves further and aim to achieve the unreachable.

Let me end by encouraging all of us, myself included, to show our No. 1 in the world awareness in all that we do and make FY2018 the best year ever!

Kojin Nakakita
Hitachi Asia Ltd.

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