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Spirit of Giving Blood in Hitachi Thailand

In the bustling corridors of our workplace, amid the daily tasks and deadlines, there exists a remarkable group of individuals who embody the spirit of giving in its purest form. These are our employees who have chosen to make a significant difference in the lives of others through the simple yet profound act of blood donation.

On 13th and 20th September 2023, we shone a spotlight on these unsung heroes, sharing their motivations, and the impact their blood donations have had on the lives of countless individuals in the Hitachi Group Companies and they are:

Hitachi Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Hitachi Channel Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Hitachi Energy (Thailand) Limited

Hitachi High-Tech (Thailand) Ltd.

The Power of Compassion: Why We Donate

For many of our employees, the decision to become blood donors is deeply personal. Some have been inspired by a family member's illness, while others feel a strong sense of responsibility to help those in need. Regardless of the reasons, our employees' commitment to blood donation is a testament of their compassion and humanity.

This activity has saved the lives of two Hitachi family members. By giving blood that we collected in Hitachi’s Blood Bank on time to the hospital, their family members’ lives were preserved despite the critical situations they were in.

The Gift of Life: A Lifesaving Act

Every time our employees roll up their sleeves, they are giving the gift of life. The blood they donate can be the difference between life and death for patients in hospitals across our region. Whether it's for accident victims, cancer patients, or those undergoing surgery, our donors' contributions play a vital role in ensuring a steady blood supply.

A Ripple Effect of Goodness: Impact Beyond Measure

The impact of our employees' blood donations is immeasurable. Each donation has a ripple effect that extends far beyond the donor's initial act. Families are reunited, loved ones are saved, and communities are strengthened. It's a reminder that even small actions can have profound consequences.

Nurturing a Culture of Giving

We take pride in fostering a workplace culture that encourages and supports blood donation. Our blood donation drives, wellness programs, and community initiatives are just a few of the ways we empower employees to make a difference. We believe that when we come together as a community, we can create a brighter and healthier future for all.

A Call to Action

To our employees, we thank you. Thank you for your selflessness, empathy, and your unwavering commitment to making this world a better place. And to those who are considering becoming donors, don’t be afraid!

We warmly invite you to join our cause. Your contribution, no matter how small, has the potential to save a life.

As we celebrate our employees' blood donation efforts, we also encourage others to join us in this endeavor. Together, we can continue to make a profound impact on the lives of those in need, one donation at a time.

To all the blood donors, see you soon in December 2023!

Let’s power good from within.