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The I am Hitachi Workshop 2023 cum IYGA2022 Commendation Ceremony Concluded with a Blast!

Returning for the first time in 3 years since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 100 employees gathered in Marriott Hotel, The Surawongse, Bangkok, Thailand for the I am Hitachi Workshop 2023 cum IYGA2022 Commendation Ceremony for the Southeast Asia region. Participants were inspired by the Hitachi Group Identity, especially after it was simplified for easier understanding, as well as the importance of inculcating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within our daily lives as Hitachi employees.

Participants took part in teambuilding activities which further reinforced the Hitachi Values of Harmony, Sincerity and Pioneering. And as they also put aside race and nationality, participants also put into practice the DEI values and built rapport with colleagues from around the region as they overcame challenges as One Hitachi.

Concluding the one-day workshop, winners of the Inspiration of the Year Global Awards 2022 (IYGA2022) were honored at the commendation ceremony for their projects. The top three winners were given an opportunity to share with their fellow colleagues about their project and evoke the feeling of motivation for future participants to take part in IYGA2023.

Mr. Yoshihiro Sugeta, Managing Director of Hitachi Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd., opened the I am Hitachi Workshop 2023 with an address.

Mr. Yusuke Takahata from Hitachi, Ltd. shared in-depth with participants on how the cultivation of the Hitachi Values has enabled the company to sustain its operations for over 110 years.

Participants paying close attention to the Hitachi Brand Education Workshop.

Chief Marketing Officer (HAS-TH) Mr. Somsak Garnjanakarn delivered his presentation on the 2024 Mid-Term Management Plan (MTMP), placing emphasis on the directions that Hitachi will be heading in the next 3 years.

Regional Lead Talent & DEI, Ms. Supawadee Suwankongka, elaborating on what each DEI concept is about. Participants were enriched with the knowlegde on Hitachi’s position on DEI.

Participants of the I am Hitachi Workshop 2023 came together as One Hitachi to overcome obstacles during the various challenges.

Curated challenges allowed the teams to recap what they learnt earlier in the morning. At the end of the team building, participants were filled with a sense of accomplishment for solving the puzzle, "I am Hitachi".

Managing Director of Hitachi Asia Ltd, Mr. Takatoshi Sasaki graced the IYGA2022 Commendation Ceremony and addressed the audience with an inspiring speech.

Mr. Takatoshi Sasaki also presented the awards to the winning teams.

CHRO, General Manager of HCG and CCG, Ms. Florence Chow summarized the workshop beautifully with her closing remarks.

Everyone left the workshop with these proud words, “I am Hitachi!”