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A proud moment for the staff of PT Hitachi Automotive Systems Indonesia

1 Million Units Brake System Shipment Ceremony

PT Hitachi Automotive Systems Indonesia (HIAMS AS-IB) is an assembly plant for a two-wheeled vehicle brake system. One of their main customers - PT Astra Honda Motor – has a request for 110,000 units per month. As a young factory, this request was a challenge for HIAMS AS-IB.

Despite a tough start, HIAMS AS-IB persevered and achieved their historical first shipment last year.

In terms of quality maintenance and management, the orthogonality rate has vastly improved over the years, along with the factory’s response to customers’ needs.

HIAMS AS-IB was only able to achieve 1 million production through everyone’s diligence and hard work.

As a result, HIAMS AS-IB recorded a new milestone on 6 February and exported a total of 1 million units of the Vario 125/150.

At the commemorative ceremony held on 19 February for this momentous event, Mr. Kunihiko Onuma, Chairman of Hitachi Automotive Systems' Board of Directors; Mr. Bradley J. Maggart, President of Hitachi Automotive Systems Asia; and Mr. Isao Yoshimi, Global Monozukuri Headquarters, visited the factory and all employees.

This being the third visit for Chairman Ohnuma, he was thankful to all employees and suppliers for their strong support. He said, “HIAMS AS-IB was only able to achieve 1 million production through everyone’s diligence and hard work. With such strong support internally and externally, I hope HIAMS AS-IB will continue to achieve its next milestone of 5 million, and even 20 million production in the future!”

During this visit, Chairman Ohnuma also commented on the growth of HIAMS AS-IB, and how heartened he was to celebrate this milestone together with all employees.

Although HIAMS AS-IB is still a small factory, the company pledges to every employee that it will slowly but surely grow to be a great company.

Chairman Ohnuma thanking the employees for their hard work during his speech

Chairman Ohnuma thanking the employees for their hard work during his speech