Returning as a two-day event for the first time, close to 100 employees gathered at the PARKROYAL COLLECTION Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the highly anticipated “I am Hitachi Workshop 2024 cum IYGA2023 Commendation Ceremony”. The two-day event was held on 20th and 21st February and concluded with resounding success!
Winners of the Inspiration of the Year Global Awards 2023 were honored at the end of the 2-day workshop for their hard work and display of the Hitachi Founding Spirit such as Harmony, Sincerity and Pioneering Spirit. Here is a rundown of what took place:
Day 1: 20th February 2024
Mr. Chew Huat Seng, Managing Director, Hitachi Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., welcomed everyone to the I am Hitachi Workshop 2024.
Mr. Masayuki Takeuchi, Executive General Manager (EGM), Global Corporate Brand & Communications Division (GCBCD), Hitachi Ltd., addressed the audience and presented an overview of the global communication direction at the I am Hitachi Workshop 2024.
Hitachi Brand Education Workshop
Mr. Yusaku Shibuya from the Corporate Branding Department of GCBCD, Hitachi, Ltd. shared with participants on how the cultivation of the Hitachi Values has enabled the company to sustain its operations for over 110 years.
Teambuilding (Part 1): Team Dynamics Training
Workshop participants walked around to meet new people and learned about each other through various activities.
The fringe activity on Day 1 was the Claw Machine. Participants had a chance to claw a ball that had a random Hitachi trivia question. When answered correctly, participants walked away with some Hitachi branded novelty as prizes.
Day 2: 21st February 2024
Sustainability Presentation
Dr. Rasi Kunapatarawong represented the Corporate Strategy team and shared with everyone on the importance of sustainability in Hitachi and how each of us can play a part to reduce the carbon footprint.
DEI Presentation
Understanding DEI was led by Ms. Monica Jean Munoz, where she elaborated on what each DEI concept is about. Participants were enriched with the knowlegde on Hitachi’s position on DEI.
Teambuilding (Part 2): One Hitachi Town Challenge
Curated challenges allowed the teams to recap what they’ve learnt over the 2-day workshop. At the end of the activity, participants were filled with a sense of accomplishment while building their respective districts and were able to combine them as One Hitachi Town.
Inspiration of the Year Global Awards 2023 Commendation Ceremony for the Southeast Asia Region
Group photo of all IYGA2023 winners together with EGM, Mr. Masayuki Takeuchi, Hitachi Ltd.
Closing remarks by Ms. Florence Chow, CHRO, General Manager of Hitachi Asia Ltd. Corporate Communications Group who summarized and wrapped up the 2-day workshop.
The organising team would like to thank everyone for the successful conclusion of the I am Hitachi Workshop 2024! Till the next, be proud that “I am Hitachi”!
Warmest regards,
Florence Chow, Clarice Tan, Wylyn Chia, Mandy Poon
Corporate Communications Group
Hitachi Asia Ltd.