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IYGA2022: Final Call for Entries & A Message from COO Mr. Tang Chay Wee

Final Call for Entries to IYGA2022!

If you haven’t already done so, you have until 17th July to submit your entries in for IYGA2022!

Any projects in FY2021 (April 2021 to March 2022) and/or ongoing activities can be entered. We encourage everyone to submit your projects – no project is too small to submit.

Still unsure? As a participant, you will:

Don’t wait any longer and submit your entries via this link now!

Visit the IYGA2022 microsite for more details:

Message from COO Mr. Tang Chay Wee:

Hear from Mr. Tang on why you should be a part of IYGA2022 and his words of encouragement for future participants!

For enquiries, please contact:

Hitachi Asia Ltd. Corporate Communications Group

Ms. Wylyn Chia:
M: +65-9027-9830, E:

Ms. Clarice Tan:
M: +65-9145-2496, E: