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Most businesses adopt some form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions for day-to-day operations. ERP systems are designed to provide organization-wide visibility of core business processes.The key to working more efficiently and effectively lies in data Integrity and automation. The ERP linkage between ERP systems and JP1 allows organizations to do just that as organizations get the best of both worlds by using ERP systems to manage day-to-day operations and tapping on JP1’s extensive capabilities.

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Manage Data through JP1

With ERP systems come data that need to be used with and by other systems. The problem arises when the data cannot be seamlessly between the systems. ERP systems integration with JP1 enables the organization to seamlessly manage the data within the different ERP systems through a centralized console. Instead of hiring additional resources to develop scripts to link ERP systems together, organizations can take advantage of JP1 to easily connect these systems. Scripts do not need to be individually created by the organization. Through JP1, the linkage can be maintained with little with low code to no code.

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Run Processes Automatically

Apart from enabling easy data integration between ERP systems for day-to-day operations, the interface between ERP systems and JP1 allows organizations to tap on other JP1 features. Organizations can leverage JP1’s scheduling and process triggering features to automate processes across the different ERP systems within the organization. Day-to-day operations can be optimized as time-savings are achieved as IT administrators do not need to maintain the systems manually, and human error is also reduced. You can execute your ERP job with job scheduler according your business day calendar that defined at JP1. In addition, the ERP job and other system job can be executed in the correct order.

JP1 Model

JP1 is compelling for organizations to link your ERP systems across your IT infrastructure to enhance the efficiency within your organization. It is also essential to understand the significance of JP1's support model, where the 10-year warranty ensures constant customer support for peace of mind. Future updated versions of JP1 will also remain compatible with older versions. Should the organization need to upgrade to newer versions in the future, this can be done progressively, which is useful for resource and budget planning.


Support various systems with different versions and upgrade them in different phases with ease


A minimum of 10 years support


Local consultant with Professional support team from Japan

languages support

Product language settings in options: English, Chinese and Japanese

languages support

Product language settings in options: English, Chinese and Japanese

We’re here to help

As organizations evolve, It is essential to ensure that IT business operation activities are well-managed and monitored. Let us help support your organization with your IT business operation. Contact us today to discover how your unique organization can adopt digitization and prepare for a future where you stay ahead of the competition.